I have reviewed many of these books over at wotmania, but many of these titles I have not mentioned until now. Sadly, I do not have the time these days, between working two jobs, to give each of these the attention they deserve. In this list, you will see stories published in six different languages. Twenty-three of these are in Spanish, twenty-two in English, two in Serbian, and one each in Latin, German, and Portuguese. One story, Le Petit Prince, I have read in five different translations (English, Spanish, German, Latin, and Serbian). Almost all of the rest are stories read in their original language. A few are story collections, but many are novels. Some are of a speculative tradition, others of a Romantic bent. But virtually all were well worth the time taken to read them. And here, in chronological order, the books I've read as of March 16, 2007:
1. China Miéville, Between Equal Rights: A Marxist Theory of International Law
2. Gabriel García Márquez, La hojarasca
3. Meša Selimović, The Fortress
4. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Regulus: Vel Pueri Soli Sapiunt
5. ---, El Principito
6. ---, Der Kleine Prinz: Mit Zeichnungen des Verfassers
7. ---, The Little Prince
8. Xavier Velasco, Luna llena en las rocas
9. Federico García Lorca, La zapatera prodigiosa
10. Calderón de la Barca, La vida es sueno
11. Miloš Urban, Las siete iglesias
12. David Keck, In the Eye of Heaven
13. Danilo Kiš, The Encyclopedia of the Dead
14. José Saramago, Memorial do Convento
15. Jorge Luis Borges, El libro de arena
16. Jorge Luis Borges, Historia de la eternidad
17. Ian McDonald, River of Gods
18. Santiago Roncagliolo, Abril Rojo
19. Edward Whittemore, Jerusalem Poker
20. Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore
21. Gabriel García Márquez, Cien años de soledad
22. Carlos Fuentes, La Muerte de Artemio Cruz
23. Nick Mamatas, Move Under Ground
24. Manuel Mujica Lainez, Misteriosa Buenos Aires
25. Tomás Eloy Martínez, Santa Evita
26. José Saramago, Las intermitencias de la muerte
27. José Hernández, Martín Fierro
28. Paul Park, A Princess of Roumania
29. Michael Moorcock, Wizardy & Wild Romance: A Study of Epic Fantasy
30. Jorge Luis Borges, The Book of Fantasy
31. Gabriel García Márquez, La mala hora
32. Jorge Luis Borges and Adolfo Bioy Casares, Crónicas de Bustos Domecq
33. Bret Easton Ellis, Lunar Park
34. Graham Joyce, The Limits of Enchantment
35. Andreas Eschbach, The Carpet Makers
36. Graciela Montes and Ema Wolf, El turno del escriba
37. José Martí, Obra poética
38. Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities
39. Gabriel García Márquez, El coronel no tiene quien le escriba
40. Hal Duncan, Ink
41. Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull
42. ---, Galeb Džonatan Livingston
43. Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Wizard of the Crow
44. Jeffrey Ford, The Girl in the Glass
45. Patricia McKillip, Od Magic
46. Julio Cortázar, Rayuela
47. Roque Dalton, Las historias prohibidas del Pulgarcito
48. Laura Restrepo, Delirio
49. Nalo Hopkinson, The New Moon's Arms
50. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Mali Princ
Things Couldn't Be Righter
6 days ago