Hard to believe the first six months of 2005 have come and gone and that we are now beginning the backstretch of the year! I know many of the readers here at OF are competing in the 50 book challenge. While I'm not aiming to read 50+ books this year per se (schoolwork and worky-work are combining with my need to devote hours to exercise each week to keep me from having much free reading time), I thought I'd list the books I've completed so far this year. Of course, I might be forgetting a few by accident, but I know I've read and completed these books in 2005:
Jorge Luis Borges, El Hacedor; Ficciónes (English); Ficciónes (Spanish); El libro de arena
Eduardo Gonzalez Viana, Los sueños de America
Julio Cortázar, El autopista del sur y otros cuentos
Carlos Fuentes, Inquieta Compañia
Harriet Beecher Stowe, La cabaña del tío Tom
Umberto Eco, On Literature
Xavier Velasco, El guardián diablo
Ciro Alegria, El mundo es ancho y ajeno
Caitlin Sweet, A Telling of Stars; The Silences of Home
Calderón de la Barca, La vida es sueño
Jon Stewart, et. al, America (the book)
Angélica Gorodischer, Kalpa Imperial (Spanish)
Alison Croggon, The Naming
Yuri Andrukhovych, Perverzion
So yeah, not that many books so far this year, 18 in total, but considering that 11 are in Spanish and only 7 in English, that's not too bad, is it? And after this week, I should have almost two free months to catch up on my reading and here are the planned reads for the next few weeks/months:
To Finish Reading:
Isabel Allende, Zorro (Spanish)
Umberto Eco, The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana
To Start Reading Soon:
Kevin Radthorne, The Road to Kotaishi (Parts I & II)
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Ian Cameron Esslemont, Night of Knives
Isabel Allende, La Casa de los Espiritus
Later, Possibly:
George R.R. Martin, A Feast for Crows
Gene Wolfe, Starship Strains
R. Scott Bakker, The Thousandfold Thought (but that depends on a few things, such as whether or not I get an ARC copy before December 31st)
Dan Simmons, Olympos
Possible Re-reads:
Bakker's first two books
Erikson's Malazan series and the two Korbal Broach novellas
Dan Simmons, Ilium
And possibly a few dozen more books in Spanish, as I plan on focusing more on Spanish than I will on English-language books this year. Hey, gotta learn the language, written and spoken, as well as I can if I want to work the job that I'm aiming for when I finish school in the next year and a half or so, right?
So what books have you completed this past half-year and which do you think you'll finish in this second half of the year?
Covert Cultural Salvager
1 day ago
Night of Knives - Esslemont
Gardens of the Moon - Erikson
Dead House Gates - Erikson
All five Harry Potter books
After Long Silence - Tepper
The Scar Meiville
Neuromancer - Gibson
The Chonicles of Amber - Zelazny
That's about 13 books (Amber is 2), most were re-reads.
Since some of yours were not typical OF material, I have also read several books about woodworking. Notably the books by Krenov which are as much a philosophy on craftsmanship as anything. They are described as a 'Why to', not 'how to' books.
Hi there, a real useful blog. I was just out blog surfing for detailed info on mlcs wood working when I ended up on your page. Obviously My Half-Year Reading List is not exactly what I was searching for, but your site caught my interest. Just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for mlcs wood working.
Should the need ever arise where you need information on mlcs wood working then drop by for a look.
My Half-Year Reading List
Hey Freebird, you have a pretty good blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a fantasy knife Fantasy Knives. It pretty much covers
fantasy knife related stuff.
Come and check out fantasy knife if you get time, Nice going !
My Half-Year Reading List
Hey Freebird, you got an interesting blog here! I'm definitely bookmarking you right now!
I have a Fantasy Knives site. It pretty much covers
fantasy knives related stuff.
Come and check out fantasy knives if you get time :-)
My Half-Year Reading List
Hey Freebird, you have a pretty good blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a hand crafted knife Fantasy Knives. It pretty much covers
hand crafted knife related stuff.
Come and check out hand crafted knife if you get time, Nice going !
My Half-Year Reading List
Hey Freebird, you have a pretty good blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a Tactical Knives Fantasy Knives. It pretty much covers
Tactical Knives related stuff.
Come and check out Tactical Knives if you get time, Nice going !
Wow, congrats on all your reading!
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