Although I browse through many websites and blogs almost every day, I am certain that I am missing some excellent review/commentary sites that perhaps ought to be added to my blogroll. Anyone reading this who has a blog that they'd like to nominate for inclusion in my links section? Perhaps one for a favorite author that I have yet to add?
Please let me know via the comments here or perhaps an email (address found in my profile), as it'd be nice to recognize others who are devoted to covering all things genre...and beyond.
And speaking of non-genre items, I wrote a review for my non-genre blog about one of my two favorite books of the year to date. Since this author has had a few genre-related releases in the past few years, perhaps some here would like to read this particular book.
But again, thanks in advance for those who do pass along links for me to consider!
Stereotypical Downturns
2 days ago
Goodness, well I can think of two right now, but they might not be your cup of tea.
First is my blog, because I'm selfish like that :P.
I don't do reviews on there anymore, I do them on the other site I'm going to mention, but I do talk a lot about genre fiction and things like that. I guess it would be very useful for some people. If not, well feel free to pass it by. But maybe you'd find it interesting nonetheless.
The next is F & SF Book Lovin' Blog by SQT, which is here:
Lots of reviews on there, and they are building. I help do reviews there. I just put one up for the Steam Magnate by Dana Copithorne.
Anywho, there you go :)
I decided to shamelessly promote my blog as well. The Gravel Pit where I review most of the stuff I read, the other being FBS (which you already added to your blogroll). Not sure if the blog lives up to your standards, but I try to my best and it would be great to be added to the blogroll. I find Charlie Huston's website to be the most interesting of the author's website that I can think of now, have you read any of his works? If not, I would really recommend you doing so.
Oh, and of course Hal Duncan's blog can be pretty hilarious at times too.
Over at My Blog I just recently made available a file containing all the various genre blogs I know and love. It might be worth checking out if you're looking for new places to visit.
You can find it HERE
One author who's blog deserves to be in everyone's links section is Joe Abercrombie. Hilarious and insightful, his blog is definitely one of my favourites out there!
A Dribble of Ink
I'll add virtually all of these (have to investigate a few of the author ones to see if I'd like those as well) later tonight. I knew I was missing most of the "newest crop" of bloggers, so thanks everyone for responding :D others I will self pimp, but I also like SF Diplomat and would have listed Aidan's but he self pimped as well.
The link to my blog is not working.. Remove the part, I am running on Wordpress dammit! :p
Thanks for including my blog by the way.
It's fixed now...weird Blogger error though.
If any have any other review blogs that get some traffic that I ought to have on my list, please let me know here, okay? :D
I can recommend both The Book Swede and The Fantasy Review.
I noticed the weird error in my first reaction, so that would be the source.. kind of weird indeed, not sure why blogger would their domain to a link in a comment.
Anyway, as for other blogs, I find
and quite interesting as well (probably forgot some others, these are the first that come to my mind)
OK, I added all those, plus William Lexner's excellent I Hope I Didn't Just Give Away The Ending. That ought to do it for the Review Blogs category.
Now to look for some more Author Blogs to add.
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