I think for a while at least, I'll try to have a regular Saturday post updating my reading list for that week, with short commentaries in case I don't end up writing a review of that book soon afterward.
6 Carlos Ruiz Zafón, El Juego del Ángel (re-read) - Posted a second review of it on Tuesday.
7 Shaun Tan, Tales from Outer Suburbia - Although I am uncertain if I will attempt a review, I did enjoy this new book of his quite a bit. Thought the writing came close to the wonderful weirdness of the images, although the stories didn't quite have the same impact on me as did his The Arrival. Still a book I'd recommend for most to read.
8 James Morrow, Shambling Towards Hiroshima - I am thinking about writing a review of this quasi-alt-history short novel in the near future, but on the whole, I enjoyed it. I just need to think about it some more before I write anything more about it, however.
9 Richard Morgan, The Steel Remains - Just wrote a review of it today.
10 Zoran Živković, The Last Book (re-read) - This is one of those books that I might never write a proper review for, as it is difficult to sum up just why the prose and plot appealed to me, but suffice to say that this tale of mysterious deaths in a bookstore will appeal to those of us who love books being at the center of a deadly mystery.
11 Roberto Bolaño, Nocturno de Chile - I'll probably write a short commentary on this feverish stream of consciousness-like novel when I do a post on several of Bolaño's books sometime in the coming months. That last line was a killer one, but I'll leave it up to others to read it to discover why.
12 Angela Carter, Heroes & Villains - Short fantasy novel from the 1970s that I just finished. Combines elements of Western past and possible future (barbarians co-existing with certain technological developments) that revolves around an interesting relationship between two characters. Enjoyed it, but I think I need to re-read it before I could ever think of writing a proper review of it.
In Progress:
Michael Moorcock, Gloriana - 50 pages in and the writing is quite a bit different from his Elric novels. Intriguing, so far. Hope to finish it later tonight.
Brian Evenson, Last Days (re-read) - just begun. Want to have a review ready by Monday.
Future Plans for this Holiday Weekend:
Felix Gilman, Thunderer (re-read); Gears of the City
Jo Graham, Hand of Isis
Jack Finney, Time and Again
*wonders if Fábio will feel pressured now*....
Expressing the Inexpressible
2 days ago
I've just received "Nocturno de Chile" and another one by Bolano, "Estrella Distante".
And I also got 2 books by Brazilian author, Luis Fernando Verissimo, "Borges e Os Orangotangos Eternos" and "O Clube Dos Anjos" :)
I read Estrella distante last month and enjoyed it. Probably will re-read it in the next few months for that planned Bolaño feature I have in mind. And a Brazilian book about Borges? Interesting.
It is a crime fiction with insights in literature made by Borges, who is one of the characters.
That's the book presentation and for now I can't tell more about it, because I haven't read it yet :)
Ah, sounds like it'll refer to the policiales that Borges and his friend Adolfo Bioy Casares wrote back in the 1940s. Interesting. Perhaps I'll purchase it later, even if my Portuguese is relatively weak.
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