Feeling pedantically frisky this lunch break, so I thought I'd write some tips for those attention who...err, bloggers seeking more visibility for their blogs. Can't guarantee 100% satisfaction, but most of these will work to some point:
1. Post "controversial" thoughts and refer to others by name. This especially works when discussing Canadians who seem to think redheads don't get any action.
2. Do a spoof of another's post. You know, something like threatening to host a giveaway contest for Robert Stanek or Terry Goodkind's latest dreck. Then mention it on Twitter, Facebook, and every blog on your blogroll and/or RSS reader.
3. Post pictures of vicious creatures. The third-most popular post of 2010 at this blog was me blogging about "What the Birthday Squirrel Bought for Me in 2010."
4. Make fun of the English and/or Canadians and/or Yankees and/or Australians. Southern pride takes one far, ya know.
5. Post a random list of books, then pretend such a list is important to you. Bonus points if said list contains any references to Lawrence Welk.
6. When you aren't feeling "inspired" anymore, just repeat #1 or #2. Write a review of a cookbook and dither on whether or not it deserves a 7.5 or 7.75.
7. Or you could just actually write something that's well-written and argued, rather than getting in a huff and claiming you are "writing from a fan's perspective and not the critic's" when someone notes that s/he does not often read your posts because they are shallower than the kiddie pool.
So...hop to it, you insecure cretins who wish you had a team of rabid reading squirrels!
Escape into Secrets
1 day ago
maybe I should try this on my blog. . . .
All of those options you listed work, for the most part. That last option is hit or miss though. I mean, isn't the current standard for blogs set at shallow content?
Or... crap...
Did I miss the memo again? I wonder if they have the right address, because this seems to happen quite often. If we are supposed to be posting well-written, well-argued, and moderately interesting content, then no one bothered to tell me. Now I've got to step up and actually put effort into my blog? Fuck's sake...
Get 'em, Larry!
I do occasional movie reviews and now everyone comes to me for an opinion on the latest release. I have to remind them I'm just a dude with a movie fetish and a NetFlix subscription!
Oh, and I found posting photos of Kate Beckinsale draws blog hits as well.
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