I was doing a Google search tonight in preparation for writing a draft review of his latest book, El juego del Ángel (May 13th release in Spanish in the US, English-language edition to follow next year) and I came across this interesting interview. For those who are not fluent in Spanish, I might translate part of this interview this weekend or early next week, time permitting. Nice to see that Zafón confirms my suspicions regarding the connections between this book and La sombra del viento/The Shadow of the Wind. More later, once I have the draft completed.
Thanks for the link--I'm definitely looking forward to this book. I love what he says about the different Barcelonas (and his play on the phrasing of the question about the single, male critic is great too).
I'm going to finish my draft of the short review (I have in mind three different reviews, two for here and one for publication on Amazon on Tuesday) this weekend, but it's safe to say that I enjoyed this book even more than The Shadow of the Wind. Zafón deepens the tale without sacrificing anything in the way of a surface-level "easy" read. I predict it'll sell at least almost as many copies as its predecessor.
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