The OF Blog: One quick observation about Dan Simmons' Drood

Thursday, February 19, 2009

One quick observation about Dan Simmons' Drood

If the historical Wilkie Collins were alive today to read that, he likely would be in contact with lawyers about a possible libel case. That being said, if I feel better on Saturday, I'll write a review of Drood that'll be a bit more charitable than I'd imagine the real-life Collins would have been in regards to his portrayal there!


Anonymous said...


I think I better stay away then because Wilkie Collins is one of my favorite writers.

Liviu said...

Actually I liked the portrait of Wilkie; Dickens does not come better in many ways. Flawed and all, Wilkie was very humane and plausible in the book

Larry said...

Simmons left out quite a few elements in Collins' life (and in his works) that irritated me, in large part because I'm as familiar with The Woman in White and The Moonstone as I am with Dickens' work (or most any author). And that one bit with Clow at the end...WTF?

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