OK, I've slacked off on this, so just the list for now:
272 Brian Stableford, The Dedalus Book of Decadence: Moral Ruins (recommended)
273 Adolfo Bioy Casares, De las cosas maravillosas (recommended)
274 Angela Carter, Saints and Strangers (must-read)
275 Mario Benedetti, Inventario II (outstanding poetry collection in Spanish)
276 Michael Moorcock, The Eternal Champion (decent)
277 San Juan de la Cruz, Obra completa, I (only for the hardcore)
278 Milorad Pavić, Kutija za Pisanje (good, what I could understand of it)
279 Charles Finney, The Circus of Dr. Lao (classic)
280 Pope John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope (very good, if you're interested in Catholicism)
281 Luís de Camões, Selected Sonnets (re-read; highly recommended)
282 Adolfo Bioy Casares, Diario de la guerra del cerdo (highly recommended)
283 Sang Pak, Wait Until Twilight (debut; recommended)
284 Ursula Le Guin, Changing Planes (highly recommended)
285 Fernando Vallejo, El desbarrancadero (OK, but not all that great)
286 Tanith Lee, Night's Master (recommended)
287 Peter Beagle, Strange Roads (highly recommended)
288 Adolfo Bioy Casares, El sueño de los héroes
289 Jannic Durand, Byzantine Art (beautiful; re-read)
290 Laura Restrepo, La isla de la pasión (very good; one of her best books)
291 Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm, Babymouse: Dragonslayer (cute)
292 Patricia McKillip, The Bell at Sealey Head
293 Remy de Gourmont, The Angels of Perversity (recommended)
294 Toni Morrison, Beloved (good, but it didn't have the impact I thought it might after the first few pages)
295 Lila Hammond, Serbian: An Essential Grammar (educational for me)
296 Liliana Bodoc, Los días del Venado (re-read; decent)
297 Liliana Bodoc, Los días de la sombra (re-read; good)
298 Liliana Bodoc, Los días del fuego (good)
299 Julio Cortázar, Papeles inesperados (highly recommended)
300 Fernando Vallejo, Mi hermano el alcalde (meh)
301 Patricia Briggs, Mercy Thompson: Homecoming (graphic novel; very good)
302 David Petersen, Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 (graphic novel; outstanding)
303 Thomas Pynchon, Inherent Vice (already reviewed)
304 Jesse Bullington, The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart (already reviewed)
305 Robert Holdstock, Mythago Wood (classic)
306 Cesar Silva and Marcello Simão Branco, Anuário Brasileiro de Literatura Fantástica 2008 (informative in places, but not worth the import costs)
307 Robert Holdstock, Avilion (worthy sequel)
308 Dean Francis Alfar and Nikki Alfar, Philippine Speculative Fiction IV (very strong anthology; will review in the near future)
309 Alison Croggon, The Naming (re-read; good YA novel)
310 Daniel Abraham, A Shadow in Summer (strong debut novel)
311 Daniel Abraham, A Betrayal in Winter (very good)
312 Daniel Abraham, An Autumn War (excellent)
313 Daniel Abraham, The Price of Spring (review forthcoming)
314 Issui Ogawa, The Lord of the Sands of Time (already reviewed)
315 Steven Erikson, Dust of Dreams (review forthcoming)
316 Hiroshi Sakurazaka, All You Need is Kill (decent-to-good)
317 Pope Benedict XVI, Church Fathers: From Clement of Rome to Augustine (informative)
318 Alison Croggon, The Riddle (nice followup to her first novel)
319 Reverend Marcus Fitzgerald, O.F.M., Libro catolico de oraciones (Spanish-language prayer book)
320 Terrence Holt, In the Valley of the Kings (strong contender for my favorite 2009 collection)
321 Indro Montanelli and Roberto Gervaso, Historia de la Edad Medía (excellent narrative history)
322 Carlos Abraham, Borges y la ciencia ficción (review forthcoming)
In Progress:
Tamar Yellin, The Genizah at the House of Shepher
Dave Eggers, Zeitoun
Marvin Mann and A. David Lewis, Some New Kind of Slaughter: ~or~ Lost in the Flood (and How We Found Home Again) (graphic novel)
Density of a Dream
1 hour ago
As usual, very impressive. You must have trained your eye to read at quite a high speed.
It's more of a natural ability, I guess. I seem to be able to process the words at something close to 400 pages/hour, depending upon the font size and the type of book (Spanish is slightly less, Portuguese is about 1/3 of that rate, Latin is 1/4).
A very handy natural ability, when you are an avid reader and book junkie. My top speed has been 120 pages per hour and those are stunts I can perform seldomly.
I'd be interested to watch you read for the sake of the fast forward TV moment of it. I know, it's very childish, but some things transcend age. *laugh*
you read 50 books in 1 month ?
was that some kind of challenge, or are you that bored ?
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