The OF Blog: Imagining online reviewers and possible fictions they might write

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Imagining online reviewers and possible fictions they might write

There are several online reviewers who are either attempting to get their first fictions published or who are writers themselves.  Sometimes I find myself, when in a bit of silly daydreaming, associating these reviewers with certain styles of writing.  I thought it would be fun to list a few bloggers and what types of fiction I'd imagine them writing, then giving you the opportunity to add your own lists.  Here goes:

1.  Adventures in Reading - Short fiction pieces, something in the vein of an Elizabeth Bear or Sarah Monette.

2.  Neth Space - He'd totally update Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy, while continuing to downgrade Pluto, sadistic scientist that he is at heart!

3.  Pat's Fantasy Hotlist - He'd write Goodkind fanfic.

4.  A Dribble of Ink - He'd write Stanek fanfic.

5.  Temple Library Reviews - He'd write weird fiction concerning vampiric gerbils.

6.  Dark Wolf's Fantasy Reviews - He'd write urban paranormal romance fantasies starring wolves as phallic symbols.

7.  Jacques Barcia - alpaca MMA cage fighting stories

8.  Fábio Fernandes - Brazilian cyberpunk horror stories involving a moose, a chihuahua, and a panda bear.

9.  Paul Smith - Liggoti and Cisco-influenced children's stories.

10.  The Speculative Scotsman - He's speculating...about Mongolian deathworms.

11. Speculative Horizons - My Little Pony slash fiction

12. The Wertzone - Long philosophical tracts on the glories of the great Cookie Monster

There.  Do any of these match up with what you'd envision these blogger/writers actually writing?


Aidan Moher said...

Ach! Ye wound me to my very soul, Larry!

Neth said...

Pluto is nothing more than a young upstart with delusions of grandeur!

Larry Nolen said...

Canadians have souls? :O

And Pluto is much better than Mars, so there! :P

Weirdmage said...

"Someone" would be dragged away to a padded cell, while screaming the first amendment protects his right to write squirrel-porn...

Larry Nolen said...

Yes, and I would contribute to that poor soul's defense fund.

James said...

Paul must write those children's stories. I don't want any excuses, it must be done.

Larry Nolen said...

Yes, and maybe they could take the form of nursery rhymes! :D

The Evil Hat said...

I am hereby offering to pay very large sums of money for said children stories. I DEMAND their creation. Demand it, you hear me?

Larry Nolen said...

I guess the squirrels shall have to be sent out to pester Paul until he begins writing it, then.

Fabio Fernandes said...

A moose, a chihuahua, and a panda bear? I HATE chihuahuas!!!! :S

Fabio Fernandes said...

On the other hand, I do like pandas. And to write about mooses would definitely be a challenge. :)

Larry Nolen said...

You could have the chihuahua threatening the panda, only to have the enigmatic moose save the day, I suppose.

redhead said...

hilarious! love it!

and I'd pay good money for some my little pony slash fic.

Jacques Barcia said...

If I ever come to sell a wuxia short story with MMA-ist Alpacas I'll share my money with you. Promise.

Megazver said...

OF Blog of the Fallen: online reviewer fanfic. Probably secretly slash.

Joe said...

Holy crap did you just pimp slap Aidan and Pat! (and James, but My Little Pony slashfic is just funny)

Larry Nolen said...

Somebody had to have the My Little Pony slash task and I figured James would be man enough to do it. I do hope to see Aidan and Pat's fanfic efforts soon, though ;)

Harry Markov said...

I'd die to read those children stories and the My Little Pony slsh fiction.


As for the vampiric gerbils. I might attempt it.

Larry Nolen said...

You might die after reading them as well ;)

Mihai A. said...

I am already thinking how I will spend my money, since writing a cross between "Twilight" and "Hannah Montana" with big bad wolves and Playboy girls (very presentable for the movie adaptation of my books) will certainly make me filthy rich ;D

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