Although I'll let the poll run its course, I think I'll go ahead and read/review both the Herbert and Jordan series in the coming days, as I'm finding it hard to read other work now, as I'm finding myself curious to see what my reactions will be to the two series. Probably will alternate back and forth between the two, starting in the near future.
Hopefully, this way I can piss off and/or intrigue as many different people as possible. And who knows, maybe absence will have made the heart grow fonder, or maybe I'll be reminded of what I don't want to read in a series. Only time and experience (again) will tell, I suppose.
So yeah, there might be several more multi-volume works reviewed in this space in the coming months, along with newer and non-genre works.
Expressing the Inexpressible
2 days ago
Random tangential thought prompted by the idea of series reviews.
Did you ever read the Ricardo Pinto's Stone Dance of the Chameleon? The final book finally came out after like a 6 year gap, and its a series I think rewards a macro perspective (i.e. series review). Brutal, a little too slow-moving, but beautifully written and doing something very different for fat fantasy books. Brutalist Jungian epic fantasy :)?
(And I look forward to your Jordan review confirming that I was right to give up half way through the 4th book. I thought it was a trilogy when I started!)
Only the first book, although I do have vague plans on buying the other two sometime in the future.
Just finished the first WoT book. Not writing a review now, though, as I would like to get a bit more sleep first :P But either later today or tomorrow, reviews of that and the first Dune book will be up.
Larry, I've got an edition to your list of review blogs:
Empty Your Heart of Its Mortal Dream
It's fairly new. Take a look. I think it would fit well and is very deserving.
Nice call, as I did read one of his reviews a couple of days ago and thought it was good. Next time I do a mass update, I'll add it :D
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