Eclectic and striving never to follow paths into ruts, the OF Blog focuses on essays, reviews, interviews, and other odds and ends that might be of interest to fans of both literary and speculative fiction. Now with a cute owl for your enjoyment.
I really liked the chapter where Rand visits the school with all the inventions and encounters a professor who urges him to forget all that Dragon stuff and come study with him instead. Little sections like that gave me a feeling of how interesting the series could've been had Jordan focused on developing the world/story in ways that didn't depend primarily on the infantile courtly squabbling and mundane scenery descriptions related to wherever Rand and his elite pals happened to be hanging out at the moment.
In fairness, I did like those little sections as well, but yes, it's overwhelmed by the infantile character interactions (and the sameness of said exchanges between various characters) and the scenery.
What I'd give for a good shrubbery discussion in the books...or not :P
Rather than finding it irritating, I found it to be the reason I could continue reading. When Salidar almost became too much, we jumped to Cairhein, and when that became too much, we jumped to Caemlyn, and so on.
The high point of the book for me was the Aes Sedai politics in Salidar. I think Jordan did a great job of showing us a society that has stagnated so much that even when the world they claim responsibility for is crumbling, they remain focused on power-play and sticking to useless traditions.
Egwene's subsequent victory wouldn't have had any impact at all if the Aes Sedai schism did not reveal the deep cracks in the organization.
While this enjoyable exploration of the Towers ruination is not "complete" in this book, the whole has been interesting enough that I could ignore how it gets chopped up.
I think this is the problem with the series as a whole. From book 4 on, no arc resolves itself in one book, but spans multiple volumes of the series.
I've long stopped looking at these later novels as separate books. They are more like chapters (very long, and somewhat bloated ones) in a single story.
Oh, there are points of interest, I agree, but the bloat is just too much for me to ignore, I'm afraid. I believe if it had been condensed (or at least the extraneous repetitions of character/dress information from previous novels had been excised) that things might have been easier to read. Maybe instead of vols. 4-6 averaging around 1000 MMPB pages, if each had been 500-600 with much the same information, it would have had a greater impact? As it stands, the mechanics of the storytelling get in the way of the story too often for my liking, but for those who don't mind, there is indeed an interesting story within the bloat.
I more or less agree. While my perspective is different, I think we're more or less on the same page when it comes to what is wrong with the series.
I really hope that a few years down the line, they do an "abridged" version of the series. Its pretty impossible, I know, but I think something like that would display the plot and thematic strengths this series does have to much better effect.
One of the odder things I remember about this book from first time around is that I got confused between what was going on in Caemlyn and Cairhien. Second time around, not so much, but on first reading keeping track of who was where and what was going on in each city proved tedious.
What was odd about it was that the differences between the two cities was more successfully achieved earlier in the series: Caemlyn as a quasi-Arthurian city of stiff, upper-lipped but essentially honourable nobles in TEotW and Cairhien as a city of constant scheming and intrigue in TGH. In LoC they are more interchangeable.
Agreed. By now, I'm just resigned to the fact that I can barely care about which nobles are scheming to do this while the ladies slash their skirts with certain creams, or something like that...
The reviews and opinions expressed on this blog are by rabid squirrels, who may attack if they are not correctly attributed, as appropriate. 2003-2022. Powered by Blogger.
I really liked the chapter where Rand visits the school with all the inventions and encounters a professor who urges him to forget all that Dragon stuff and come study with him instead. Little sections like that gave me a feeling of how interesting the series could've been had Jordan focused on developing the world/story in ways that didn't depend primarily on the infantile courtly squabbling and mundane scenery descriptions related to wherever Rand and his elite pals happened to be hanging out at the moment.
- Zach
In fairness, I did like those little sections as well, but yes, it's overwhelmed by the infantile character interactions (and the sameness of said exchanges between various characters) and the scenery.
What I'd give for a good shrubbery discussion in the books...or not :P
About the quick jumps in story lines...
Rather than finding it irritating, I found it to be the reason I could continue reading. When Salidar almost became too much, we jumped to Cairhein, and when that became too much, we jumped to Caemlyn, and so on.
The high point of the book for me was the Aes Sedai politics in Salidar. I think Jordan did a great job of showing us a society that has stagnated so much that even when the world they claim responsibility for is crumbling, they remain focused on power-play and sticking to useless traditions.
Egwene's subsequent victory wouldn't have had any impact at all if the Aes Sedai schism did not reveal the deep cracks in the organization.
While this enjoyable exploration of the Towers ruination is not "complete" in this book, the whole has been interesting enough that I could ignore how it gets chopped up.
I think this is the problem with the series as a whole. From book 4 on, no arc resolves itself in one book, but spans multiple volumes of the series.
I've long stopped looking at these later novels as separate books. They are more like chapters (very long, and somewhat bloated ones) in a single story.
Oh, there are points of interest, I agree, but the bloat is just too much for me to ignore, I'm afraid. I believe if it had been condensed (or at least the extraneous repetitions of character/dress information from previous novels had been excised) that things might have been easier to read. Maybe instead of vols. 4-6 averaging around 1000 MMPB pages, if each had been 500-600 with much the same information, it would have had a greater impact? As it stands, the mechanics of the storytelling get in the way of the story too often for my liking, but for those who don't mind, there is indeed an interesting story within the bloat.
I more or less agree. While my perspective is different, I think we're more or less on the same page when it comes to what is wrong with the series.
I really hope that a few years down the line, they do an "abridged" version of the series. Its pretty impossible, I know, but I think something like that would display the plot and thematic strengths this series does have to much better effect.
One of the odder things I remember about this book from first time around is that I got confused between what was going on in Caemlyn and Cairhien. Second time around, not so much, but on first reading keeping track of who was where and what was going on in each city proved tedious.
What was odd about it was that the differences between the two cities was more successfully achieved earlier in the series: Caemlyn as a quasi-Arthurian city of stiff, upper-lipped but essentially honourable nobles in TEotW and Cairhien as a city of constant scheming and intrigue in TGH. In LoC they are more interchangeable.
Agreed. By now, I'm just resigned to the fact that I can barely care about which nobles are scheming to do this while the ladies slash their skirts with certain creams, or something like that...
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