Strange to think I've been doing these alternating author/series re-reads/commentaries for over three weeks now, but it looks like there'll be another 6-8 weeks of these, including some of books that the majority of this blog's readership may never have heard of, much less read (well, in one case). Here's the run-down:
My review of the 10th WoT book, Crossroads of Twilight, will be up sometime this afternoon or evening. I've already finished the book.
Then comes the first book in R. Scott Bakker's The Prince of Nothing series, The Darkness That Comes Before. I'm a little over halfway into that book and that review probably will be up on Monday.
Then it goes like this:
WoT #11
Bakker #2
WoT Prequel
Bakker #3
Malazan Book of the Fallen #1
Bakker's The Judging Eye
Malazan #2
Dan Simmons' Hyperion Cantos #1
Malazan #3
Hyperion #2
Malazan #4
Hyperion #3
Malazan #5
Hyperion #4
Malazan #6
Matt Stover's The Acts of Caine #1
Malazan #7
Stover #2
Malazan #8
Stover #3
Malazan #9
Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea series #1
Stephen King, The Dark Tower series #1
Earthsea #2
Dark Tower #2
Earthsea #3
Dark Tower #3
Earthsea #4
Dark Tower #4
Earthsea #5
Dark Tower #5
Earthsea #6
Dark Tower #6
Edward Whittemore, Quin's Shanghai Circus
Dark Tower #7
Whittemore, Jerusalem Quartet #1
C.S. Friedman, Coldfire Trilogy #1
JQ #2
Coldfire #2
JQ #3
Coldfire #3
JQ #4
And maybe concluding with some books from the Gollancz Fantasy Masterworks series and Neal Stephenson's The Baroque Cycle trilogy. Ambitious? Perhaps. Goodkind-free? Certainly :P Oh, and I suppose I could add Patricia McKillip's The Riddle-Master of Hed trilogy to the mix along with the Stephenson before I cover the Gollancz books and others that suit my fancy by July.
Poem for Today
7 hours ago
Looking forward to the coming weeks! I'm just about through Dust of Dreams [malazan 9] and am wondering what a more objective review of it will be like.
Bakker, though, I will probably skip those reviews. Read Prince of Nothing and hated every word. No going back for me.
I'd much rather have the McKillip review over anything else :-)
Do you speedread, or what? I mean, your book consumption just seems amazing. I read 100+ novels a year and I have to admit, I'm pretty impressed with myself ;-) So how do you do it?
It's hard to explain, since I taught myself how to read when I was 5 and thus didn't use phonics or whole word methods. I "see" the words and "hear" them at a high rate naturally and I seem to process about 3-4 lines at once, with little eye movement. That's about as close as I can get to explaining it.
As for the Bakker reviews, I dunno, I think seeing reviews of works one has hated can lead to some interesting reactions, moreso than hoping that this reviewer supports every single stance. I think I'll be more in-depth with those, actually.
Fantastically ambitious that reading list!
However, I miss Long Sun and Short Sun on the list, too bad you won't be reviewing them.
Mostly looking forward to the Bakker
and Stephen King reviews, since I've read those books and loved them (in their own very different ways).
Malazan, Hyperion and the Stover books are on my to-read list so I'll probably skip them until I've read the books.
I hated the Coldfire trilogy like poison and never understood why it's being praised by so many.
Your speedreading technique sounds almost like some sort of pattern recognition rather than having to read one word at a time sequentially.
Thanks for a great blog!
Hmmm, this will be interesting Larry. Cant wait for the Malazan & the Dark Tower reviews. Bakker as well. I haven't heard of the coldfire trilogy before. And Whitmore's quartet has nothing to do with Moorcock's Quartet does it?
Those Wolfe books will be mixed in later in the year with the Gollancz Masterworks (including Vance's Lyonesse trilogy) and Glen Cook's The Starfishers trilogy. Also planning on reading/reviewing several Moorcock series this autumn.
There are no similarities between that Moorcock series and Whittemore's.
That sounds great, Larry!
Looking forward to it!
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