After nearly 1500 posts and hundreds of thousands of visits and close to a million page views according to one of several stat counters I check for amusement's sake, it's that time on Sprockets vhere ve dance...
Oh, and to see how far this blog has come, see the quasi-mission statement in the first post back in 2004!
Expect a few more posts later today, but for now, just a simple announcement/celebration is needed.
Poetic Thinking and Feeling
1 day ago
Congratulations on 6 years, Larry. I present to you a ... squirrel defeating a gopher snake. Which I'm sure you've seen, but maybe not!
Yeah, I've seen it, but it never gets old! Squirrels, tree and ground alike, kick ass!
Happy Six.
Somebody stick a funny hat on that squirrel.
In Honour:
squirrel |ˈskwər(ə)l|
an agile tree-dwelling rodent with a bushy tail, typically feeding on nuts and seeds. • Family Sciuridae: several genera, in particular Sciurus, and numerous species.
• a related rodent of this family ( see ground squirrel , flying squirrel ).
• the fur of the squirrel.
I would, but I don't have the photoshopping skills for that :P
6 years, wow! I've only been bookblogging (and thus paying serious attention to other bookblogs) for about 9 months now, but yours is one that I've been reading since I first discovered it last December. Congrats on the achievement!
This was the very first blog I ever started paying serious attention to and through it you have introduced me to more things I love than any other, be it directly or indirectly.
Congrats, Larry, and I'll hope for at least six more the next time I raise a glass.
Congrats, Larry! Like Witchfinder, this was one of the first fantasy blogs I started following.
Don't stop now!
Supersized congrats, Larry. Six years. Has the internet even been around for six years? Man oh man.
Happy B-dayto the blog :)
Happy Bloggiversay.
You're around longer than I; I started mine in May 2005, and that feels old already with all those new blogs poppin gup. :)
Another year, another step forward in the plan to infect the world with a healthy paranoia of squirrels. Congrats on keeping up interest in the place to fuel six years of content, six years of pot-stirring, and six years of making us all look like lousy layabouts with our slower reading. I wish you all the luck for the coming year, as well. Perhaps this will be the year of Squirrelpunk.
On a side note, my first anniversary was yesterday.
Happy birthday OFBlog! Thanks to you squirrels will never seem the same to me :)
Squirrels make everything, even this blog, better.
Congratulations, Larry!
6 years is an unbelievable long time for a blog which I can't imagine after five months with my own blog.
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