While I'll be making another post soon (likely tomorrow) for the rest of the week's purchases and review copies, just thought I'd show what happens when I walk into a bookstore with money to spare and with a desire to buy what catches my fancy. Not going to be giving much in the way of specific explanations, other than to say that I've found myself wanting to: 1) Read some religious commentary, 2) Sample more literary journals, and 3) Read more libros en español. In addition, since Del Rey hasn't (yet) sent me a copy of his second novel revolving around the American Revolution being fought with the aid of magic users, I also bought a copy of C.C. Finlay's A Spell for the Revolution. Planning on reading that and most (if not all) of the others in the next few weeks. I think the titles should be clear from the pictures, but if not, just let me know and I'll pass along the name. Each of the journals is for a Spring/Summer 2009 issue.

1 comment:
That's quite a haul especially if it isn't even all of it. I thought I was bad.
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