Let's see...has the main character, Rand al'Thor, decided to embrace the Black Power movement with that right fist held up high? Is he about to extend the middle finger and shoot a bird at someone? Have his legs atrophied and he really has the physique of a wheelchair basketball player who is now propped up? Is that house the ruins of the one on 1313 Mockingbird Lane? Is that a dwar...err, midg...err, little person behind Rand there?
It's been four years since some fantasy fans' favorite game, Mock the Latest Darrell Sweet Cover, has been played. Seems like this one offers up all sorts of possibilities, no? What would you describe is really happening in this cover art depiction?
"As God is my witness, I'll never go hungry again!"
He's training to become a televangelist.
He looks like he's singing a power ballad!
Now I have this mental image of Jimmy Swaggert singing a Poison song.
- I gotta sneeze!
- Oh no.
Hrmm...never thought about doing LOLSweet before, but your comment reminded me of that for some reason.
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