Second part of the Gollancz Fantasy Masterworks series that I own in that edition.

Third part of the Gollancz Fantasy Masterworks books that I own in that edition.

New shelf, some more of the Fantasy Masterworks books, including some that are included in that edition but which I own in other, American editions, plus a few others that are not included in that series but which easily could have made it in almost every case.

Some new review copies (VanderMeer's final Ambergris novel and Jesse Bullington's debut novel both come out in November; reviews will be forthcoming on both nearer those times), including one I'll be reviewing in a couple of days (Sang Pak's debut). Also, Mark Teppo's debut is solid and I want to read more of it, and the others are books that I've bought (the Basara is strange but well-done and I have an interest in the Decadents now).

Two purchases (Barker, Hansen) , two reprints (Lee, Herbert), and an upcoming novel (Grossman) that I think will be a strong contender to make my year-end list for best fiction published in 2009.

Two Spanish-language purchases (Bodoc's is a conclusion to a well-received epic fantasy trilogy published in Argentina; Vargas Llosa's is a book of essays published late last year) and two upcoming releases (Williams is another in the Chen detective novels, while Golemon's is a thriller, I believe).
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