Here are ten books that I've received in the past month or so. Each of these is likely to be read in the near future, for various reasons. But I do not know if I will review any of them in the next month (with one exception that I know will be reviewed by late October, if not sooner). So despite my continued busyness at work, I will read and review one of these books in the next couple of weekends. But I'll leave it up to the power of the poll. Some of these books (and authors) are famous; others are not. Some are in other languages (Spanish, Portuguese), while the majority is in English. Some are by women, others by men. But I suspect each of these has the potential to be great, so regardless of how the voting goes, I have good hopes for a solid read ahead.
So be sure to look to the poll on the right to vote which one of these books is most deserving of a read/review by August 22.
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
Having read both, I think Zeroville and Inherent Vice would make an interesting pairing - two similar writers writing about the same place (L.A.) in the same period. And of course Erickson's books have had Pynchon blurbs in the past.
Also curious to see your reaction to Songs of the Dying Earth. I really hope it lives up to its potential - so many very good writers in it, though it's a shame Wolfe declined the invitation to contribute.
I voted for Dona Flor - but you already knew that... ;-)
I thought you might be one of the three who've voted for the Amado so far (I know one of the others, but no clue on the second person who voted for it).
Might have to read both of those back-to-back then. As for the Vance festschrift, it seems promising, at least. Only have read one story so far (VanderMeer's) and I thought it was well-done, with a clever ending. But I agree that it's a shame that Wolfe declined to contribute.
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