Even though I'm on recallable layoff right now (and there's the slight possibility that I might be recalled in the next few weeks as I just found out from talking to my old boss this morning), I'm not exactly sitting around not working. Since blogging is at its heart one person blabbing about stuff in the vain hope that others will actually give a damn, here's a peek at the flexible schedule I've devised for myself, since I technically am also self-employed while doing the readings for BAF 4. Lots of flexibility for things like networking, scheduling interviews, studying for exams, and the like:
9 AM - Wake-up, check emails, shower/dress
10 AM - Errands (getting car checked out, groceries, etc.)
11 AM - 1 PM - Studying for teacher certification exams, GRE, filling out paperwork
1 PM - 2 PM - Break, exercise
2 PM - 5 PM - Reading Journals, checking email, possible blogging
5 PM - 7 PM - Break, exercise
7 PM - 10 PM - Reading for blog reviews, arranging interviews, other assorted ends
10 PM - 12 AM - Break, watch historical videos
12 AM - 1 AM - Wrap-up of loose ends, bedtime
Not that this is firmly set in stone, other than I will have my alarm clock set for 9 AM. Better than just saying "sitting on ass, doing little to nothing."
Poem for Today
5 hours ago
Since I finnaly finished, yesterday, a major translation effort, I thingk I'll also be able to set in stone a routine akin to yours, my friend. Much needed here in order to cope with the writing/selecting/editing assignments.
Ugh, last comment full of typos. Terribly tired of typing, sorry about that. :)
Good! The deadlines being met, that is. Anything to share in terms of that little project of ours? ;)
Look, amigo, I don't care what your schedule is as long as you keep up your Bolaño commentary. I'm eager for the next installment, but no rush!
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