Some other bloggers are trying to get me to become active on Twitter. I'm tempted with doing this similar to how I communicate on Facebook, if that gives you any idea about how involved I'd be. But before I'll take the plunge and do more than just create an account for safe keeping, I have a challenge.
I want at least 30 different people replying to this thread saying that they'd want to read what sorts of tweets this twit might post on Twitter and why they'd want for me to limit myself to 140 characters or less. If enough people do this in the next few hours, I'll think about doing something special to mark the occasion. But it has to be 30 different people replying to this post before midnight CDT tonight, each saying why they'd want me to be a twit on Twitter.
Think this can be done? I'm doubtful of people's abilities to muster up enough energy to give a damn, but hey, I could be wrong ;)
Poetic Thinking and Feeling
1 day ago
Me! Me! Me!
Why? I have to have reasons why for this to count :P
We want you there, because we want to see if you can start controversial dialogues in 140 characters or less :)
We hope for some more reading recommendations too ;)
*sighs* Reasons? Oh man! Alright, because I want to see these random conversations about sheep buggery :-p
Well, 2 down, 28 to go. I guess y'all better start spreading the news or something to get the required number in the next 14 hours, 47 minutes :P
On the fly comments while you read books comes to mind
Possibly, although I tend to read away from either computer of mine. I could always note famous squirrels in fiction, though, like the attack of the vicious ground squirrels in Erikson's Memories of Ice ;)
I've seen you coment on other blogs with some frequency, so I know you read posts that you find interesting on a regular basis. Why not use your Twitter account to point them out?
Hrmm...that's actually a good reason, since I often don't feel like taking up a full blog post to note a few blog entries that I've read.
Because Twitter is deficient in squirrels.
Yes, and if 30 people respond today, perhaps there will be more squirrels on Twitter ;)
Larry... I'm not a fan of twitter myself (I can barely keep up with my blogroll), but I must say that if you jump the fence, I might feel compelled.
Why? Well, let's see, the good reasons already noted... squirrel porn, interesting random thoughts on links/books/genre news. Would be worth watching.
Why follow? Likely you know more folks and generate more interest than my measly square of the internet; and as I am in 'info collecting' mode of my WIP, there's that benefit.
I suppose, although the squirrel porn probably would be my calling card. Have to stand out in the Twit Set.
By the way, I did see two squirrels making out yesterday when I was walking along the driveway. Looked up and there they were on a low branch, one nipping at the other's back before mounting. It was kinda romantic, I suppose :P
Oh, and six down, 24 to go in 13:30.
Content: Subtle, yet acidic pokes at French-Canadian bloggers.
140 characters: Because, really, are they worth more than that?
I suppose I could compose my tweets in Hangul to maximize what I have to say ;)
Yes, because I need more twitter friends. :D
Joking aside, I'd love to have you on there for conversations in miniature.
I use twitter to point out smaller things that do not deserve a full blog post, or things different that are still worth pointing out.
Or point at blog posts when I write them. So it's just a more granular and immediate form of blogging. concise too.
Because otherwise we only have Gav from NextRead as the sole source of controversy.
Or maybe we just need more Larry. The blog posts alone aren't enough to give us our fix.
Gee, I think that you should remain here to terrorize people from a big distance. You know I think you are the Sauron of Blog Destruction...
That being said and done, I don't use Facebook and I want to talk to you live. I should have used the e-mail. Plus it will be a neat experiment on your eloquence in the constricting 140 characters.
Please don't count this as one of your thirty comments; why is thirty the magic number? Is that the amount of peer pressure it will take to justify the effort?
I doubt you took a similar email poll to gauge interest in blogging. If you want to, great. If not, I don't think thirty people are gonna change your personal feelings on the matter.
You're right, Chad, it's just a number. I've been considering it for a few weeks now and the main constraint, once I got over my initial distrust of being more involved in online matters, is that of time. But since it could be a few more months before I have full-time work again, maybe this won't be too much of a distraction.
Besides, I wanted to see who all actually reads this blog and I thought this would be a fun way to get some responses :P
Somehow the idea of you joining up on Twitter brings joy to my heart.
So you must. Plus, I'd follow you with my three accounts...because I have three accounts for a good reason. Really. One for me, one for a website for young writers, and one for my podcast. See? It's totally valid...right? Just tell me it's valid so I can feel vindicated...
Anywho. You should join to bring some of your wit and wonder to the twitverse.
It is a challenge to write a Tweet review of a book. I find it challenging and I think you would too. I'd like to see it personally.
Plus it can be freeing in an odd way to be able to point people towards something without feeling obligated to write commentary about it that a blog post sometimes requires.
Hey -- just give it a try and see if its a good fit. If so great, if not oh well
Funnily enough, I'm just coming to your blog from the twitter page where I was trying to decide whether I should start twittering and whether I would have enough interesting stuff to follow to make it worthwhile. So, yes, please start twittering (because then I just might as well!)
Does it make sense to repeat parts of the comments above? Na.
I have a Twitter account. I twitter from time to time. But it is often more interesting just to follow people. Incredible what you can express with only 140 characters or less.
Anyway Twitter is a good training to make it short but still understandable.
You have my vote, Larry. Come on over. If you're not careful it might eat your life, but then, I suspect you would be careful. So.
Do it!
15 so far, with 1 abstaining. Not too bad. A little less than 5 hours to go if any want to read tweets tonight. If not, I'll just have to regale people later with tales of a proposed sheep buggery PPV :P
Come on Larry don't hold your wisdom out on the twitter world. I'm sure you'll be just as good at one liners as you are at essays.
Well, there was that time when I thought about blogging about the story of how seeing that an Alternative club in Knoxville had become a country line dance club led to a slip-up of a Brooks & Dunn song from the early 90s and thus the infamous "Boot-Scootin' Wookie" was born. Those are perhaps what Twitter is best for, that and links to squirrel porn, of course ;)
Hrmm...17 for the night, it seems. Not too bad. Good number, that. Maybe tomorrow the squirrel legions will be unleashed.
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