Eclectic and striving never to follow paths into ruts, the OF Blog focuses on essays, reviews, interviews, and other odds and ends that might be of interest to fans of both literary and speculative fiction. Now with a cute owl for your enjoyment.
The first is via Jeff VanderMeer's blog and is in reference (among other things) to the November 2008 pirate-themed anthology, Fast Ships, Black Sails:
The second is from Tobias Buckell and is the cover art for the November release of Halo: The Cole Protocol:
Two more books for me to add to this list, it seems...
While I usually am wary of anything involving pirates, I am very curious to read anything that the VanderMeers edit and/or write. That November date is tentative, by the way.
I remember you saying something about that some time ago, Rob. I too am curious, considering the editors, despite my now-known reluctance to read things involving pirates :P
The reviews and opinions expressed on this blog are by rabid squirrels, who may attack if they are not correctly attributed, as appropriate. 2003-2022. Powered by Blogger.
Great cover for the pirate themed anthology; I've already marked it as a must buy :).
I kind of like that cover too :)
While I usually am wary of anything involving pirates, I am very curious to read anything that the VanderMeers edit and/or write. That November date is tentative, by the way.
I'll be particularly interested in the Vandermeer anthology since I submitted to it (and was rejected:( )
I remember you saying something about that some time ago, Rob. I too am curious, considering the editors, despite my now-known reluctance to read things involving pirates :P
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