This ought to be a fairly easy passage for some to guess, but it was on my mind just now after I awoke too early from my sleep. Sometimes, a quote gets shared with a loved one and it's like a STD, only in this case, it is one's thoughts and imagination that is infected. Hopefully others will contract this infection.
And yes, feel free to guess the book/author, although a search engine result ought to yield readily the source.
Eeeek. I am a big fan of your blog, but this degeneration in content is getting a little overbearing. ;)
Overbearing? How so? It's just something that 1) amuses me, 2) something that I hope would entice a few to be curious to investigate the said book (which has happened, by the way), and 3) a way to vary things.
I'm also rather busy right now with my teaching load and I sadly don't have as much time to devote to doing the longer reviews and commentaries as I would like. However, there will be a pretty good interview posted sometime in the next few days, followed by some reviews, as I do have some in various draft stages.
Harry Potter? jv
Ha! :P
Although I did kind of like Rowling's series for the most part...
Kundera - ULB
What a beautiful passage (the last paragraph is one sure way of knowing if you're truly in love with someone, hah!) Every time I read this book, I feel as if the text has not yet yielded all its secrets to me. And it probably never will.
Sorry. I was probably a bit harsh in my #1 comment. I was in a bad mood at the time and felt a need to lash out at something in my RSS feed! Truth be told, your blog is one of my favorites of any field in general, but I was a little saddened first with the adoption of the book porn trend and then further irked with the now 'semiweekly passage photo.'
Of course it is not my blog and these things are hardly of importance. You are free to do as you please!
I understand being busy. I am in the midst of a job hunt right now, though I am also going to read some Andre Gorz!
I understand :D Hopefully, there'll be a lot more interesting material in the coming weeks, as I have a huge set of articles/reviews planned for the final two weeks of 2008, when I don't have to sleep a little here and there just to have the energy to do all my lesson planning, grading, and teaching.
As for the photos, I did the Book Porn posts mostly as a way to show those who are curious about the books I receive and the books I buy and if there is a huge difference between the two (which there often is). I had thought about having an occasional quote passage for a while as a way of possibly "hooking" someone into reading a classic I enjoy, but I thought a photo of a meaningful passage might entice them further. I knew it wouldn't appeal to everyone and to be honest, I'm relieved that your objection is not a bile-filled one, but one that comes from the hope that I have more reflective articles (I think that's what you want, right?)
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