I was expecting only two books today, but instead I received 10. Out of these ten, six are review copies and four are purchases, including two books I imported from Spain but didn't expect until the end of the week. When it takes 24-48 hours to ship internationally and cost less than $30 for that shipment, I'm impressed. Now on with the books. These are arranged by order of arrival/parcel system. These first two books arrived via USPS and are review copies:
Left: Brandon Sanderson, The Hero of Ages (review forthcoming); H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth, The Watchers Out of Time (OK, I'm curious to see how these are, since I haven't read much at all by Lovecraft).

These are the two books that arrived internationally via DHL that I had ordered from Casa del Libro in Madrid, Spain. I think I've talked about the author before...
Left: Javier Negrete, Alejandro Magno y las águilas de Roma (see previous posts today about him); Negrete, El espíritu del mago (second volume in Negrete's epic fantasy that began with the excellent La espada del fuego).

The FedEx guy delivered these next four books, all review copies from Putnam/Penguin, a few hours ago:
Top: Juliet Marillier, Heir to Sevenwaters (I've heard of her, but haven't read any of her works, but apparently this is a new story set in an established setting of hers); Sharon Shinn, Fortune and Fate (see what I said in regards to Marillier).
Bottom: Denise Rossetti, The Flame and the Shadow (err...maybe later?); Diana Pharoah Francis, The Black Ship (second volume in her Crosspointe series. She still has the coolest middle name of virtually any author I've come across).

And finally, the UPS guy dropped these two Amazon orders off a few minutes ago.
Left: Kelly Link, Pretty Monsters (YA collection of many of her earlier stories from her first two collections, plus a few new ones, I think); Brian Francis Slattery, Liberation ( I enjoyed his Spaceman Blues earlier this year and I've heard this one might be even better).
hm...thought i hit post. sorry if this comes up twice.
I know we've only ever communicated via comments and so this is probably rude, but...if you don't have a use for the Sharon Shinn book, can I snag it from you? I can send a check or a prepaid means of shipping or something. Just let me know, I can leave my email if you want a means to work out details. And if you've got a use for it, no biggie. I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. :)
Give me a month or so to decide. If I haven't said anything one way or the other, send me an email via the one in my Blogger profile. Fair enough?
Sure. :)
And yes this is a new story in an established world. Its more traditional fantasy than pretty much all her other worlds have been. More adventure and less philosophy...If you read hope you enjoy!
Well, if she wins a Locus Award for First Novel, that's going to be enough of a recommendation for me to at least consider it with an open mind. I'm not one who blindly dismisses female fantasy authors, even if my experiences with paranormal romances have been mixed at best. Might just be a "mood" read - pick it up and read it at the right time and I might enjoy it...or not if it's not the right "mood."
Hi Larry :) How is Negrete? Would you write a review or an article about what you read so far? ;)
Well, I think she's a fabulous writer, and she's definitely my favorite author. I will say that her earlier works were maybe a little more gender-neutral than most of her more recent stuff. Her stories have always had some element of romance to them, always mixed with a good dose of questions. Often about faith, though not necessarily in a religious sense--just faith in what you've always known or believed in. But since romantic fantasy became more of an established sub-genre, her books have made the love story more central. It's never the only storyline, but probably a bit much for the less open-minded male readers out there.
Since you're not that, however, it shouldn't be an issue. :) But if you pick this one up and are underwhelmed for that reason, I recommend reading one of her first 2, The Shape-Changer's Wife and Archangel.
I received a bunch of what you received, which will go up in my Books in the Mail post. I'll bet you get something by Devon Monk and another by Fiona Patton today or tomorrow.
OK, I'm curious to see how these are, since I haven't read much at all by Lovecraft
I don't know if you know this, but if you're curious about Lovecraft, The Watchers Out of Time is a poor place to start. The cover billing notwithstanding, all the stories are actually "posthumous colloborations" written by Derleth. Some are based on (extremely brief) story idea notes left by Lovecraft, but that's the extent of his actual involvment. Which is not to say they're not fine stories; they're just not Lovecraft.
Negrete is excellent and yes, there ought to be some form of review in the coming weeks.
I'll keep that in mind with Shinn, Elena.
I guess the FedEx guy might get tired of me soon then, Rob :P
I thought that might be the case, Brendan. I'll read it with an open mind at some point.
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