Been planning to do this for a couple of months now, but with BAF responsibilities lessened now for the next month or so, I thought July would be the perfect time for me to re-read and this time comment at greater length on Argentine author Jorge Luis's prose, poetry, and literary criticism. Some of the books I will be reading and reviewing are not available in English, at least not independently. Three books were collaborations he did with another excellent Argentine writer, Adolfo Bioy Casares. But since many love images, here are the 23 Borges books I will be discussing in July:
A collection of Borges' poetry, a bestiary, and his comments on Argentina's greatest epic poem.
His 1970 short story collection, his 1960s poetry collection, and his second-most famous story collection.
Prose/poems, series of writings about his favorite books that were part of a critical series in Argentina, and an early book of his approach to literary criticism.
Last collaboration with Bioy Casares, plus two non-fiction books.
A collection of prologues he wrote, transcript of seven lectures from 1977, and a book on Buddhism that he co-wrote.
A critical piece on an Argentine writer, plus his first two collaborations with Bioy Casares.
Another non-fiction piece, followed by his last two short story collections.
Borges' most famous collection, plus his first collection of prose.
Hope to review around 1 every 1-2 days, maybe doubling up every so often. Not going in any particular order, but which books pictured here would you be most interested in learning more about?
Escape into Secrets
4 hours ago
Personally i'm reading "Ficciones", and "El libro de los seres imaginarios" was recently released in my country too, so those are probably the ones i would be interested to read about.
Still plenty of those are not available either in English or Portuguese, so it would be great to read your opinion.
I'd be most interested in his non-fiction and literary criticism, since I've read very little.
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