The OF Blog: Loeb Classical Library: Books Owned

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Loeb Classical Library: Books Owned

 I’ve been spending quite a bit of time the past two months working on improving on my college Latin (and teaching myself Attic Greek) and the Loeb Classical Library, with its parallel original/English translated text, has been a great use for me.  Since there are over 500 volumes in the series (and newer, revised translations are being released under the old series numbers or occasionally renumbered and/or divided), I think I will list the books I currently own, with the series number beside them (most of these are newish, but some are older editions I’ve bought over the years), and just add more as I buy more.  As is the norm with me, I’ll bold the books already finished, but the unread books that I own will appear in regular style instead of in italics like I normally do when listing books in a series.

9/14/2023 Update:  80 total volumes (44 Latin, 36 Greek)

1    Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica (Greek)

2    Appian I:  Roman History, Volume I (Greek)

3    Appian II:  Roman History, Volume II (Greek)

4    Appian III:  Roman History, Volume III (Greek)

5    Appian IV:  Roman History, Volume IV:  Civil Wars Books 1-2 (Greek)

6    Catullus, Tibullus, Pervigilium Veneris (Latin)

7    Cicero I:  Letters to Atticus I (Latin)

10  Euripides IV:  Trojan Women, Iphigenia Among the Taurians, Ion (Greek)

11  Euripides V:  Helen, Phoenician Women, Orestes (Greek)

15  Petronius, Satyricon; Seneca, Apocolocyntosis (Latin)

16  Philostratus I:  Apollonius of Tyana, Volume I:  Books 1-4 (Greek)

17  Philostratus II:  Apollonius of Tyana, Volume II:  Books 5-8 (Greek)

19  Quintus Smyrnaeus, Posthomerica (Greek)

20  Sophocles I:  Ajax, Electra, Oedipus Tyrannus (Greek)

21  Sophocles II:  Antigone, The Women of Trachis, Philoctetes, Oedipus at Colonus (Greek)

23 Terence II:  Phormio, The Mother-in-Law, the Brothers (Latin)

24  The Apostolic Fathers, Volume I (Greek)

25  The Apostolic Fathers, Volume II (Greek)

26  Augustine I: Confessions I:  Books 1-8 (Latin)

27  Augustine II: Confessions II:  Books 9-13 (Latin)

30  Cicero XXI:  On Duties (Latin)

31  Suetonius I:  Lives of the Caesars Books 1-4 (Latin)

32  Dio Cassius I:  Roman History, Volume I:  Books 1-11 (Greek)

33  Horace, Odes and Epodes (Latin)

34  John Damascene, Barlaam and Ioasaph (Greek)

35  Tacitus I:  Agricola; Germania; Dialogus (Latin)

36  Plato I:  Euthphro, Apology, Crido, Phaedo (Greek)

37  Dio Cassius II:  Roman History, Volume II (Greek)

38  Suetonius II:  Lives of the Caesars Books 5-8 (Latin)

39  Caesar II:  Civil War (Latin)

41  Ovid I:  Heroides, Amores (Latin)

42  Ovid III:  Metamorphoses Books 1-8 (Latin)

43  Ovid IV:  Metamorphoses Books 9-15 (Latin)

44  Apuleius I:  Metamorphoses Books 1-6 (Latin)

46  Plutarch I:  Lives, Volume I (Greek)

48  Procopius I:  History of the Wars, Volume I (Greek)

57  Hesiod I:  Theogony, Works and Days, Testimonia (Greek)

58  Marcus Aurelius (Greek)

63  Virgil I:  Ecologues, Georgics, Aeneid Books 1-6 (Latin)

64  Virgil II:  Aeneid Books 7-12, The Minor Poems (Latin)

72  Caesar I:  The Gallic War (Latin)

73  Aristotle XIX:  Nicomachean Ethics (Greek)

74  Boethius, Theological Tractates, The Consolation of Philosophy (Latin)

81  Procopius II:  History of the Wars, Volume II (Greek)

90  Xenophon III:  Anabasis (Greek)

91  Juvenal and Perseus (Latin)

92  Clement of Alexandria (Greek)

104 Homer I:  Odyssey I:  Books 1-12 (Greek)

105 Homer II:  Odyssey II: Books 13-24 (Greek)

107 Procopius III:  History of the Wars, Volume III (Greek)

108 Thucydides I:  History of the Peloponnesian War:  Books 1-2 (Greek)

111 Tacitus II:  Histories, Volume I:  Books 1-3 (Latin)

114 Livy I:  History of Rome, Books 1-2 (Latin)

116 Sallust I:  The War with Cataline; The War with Jugurtha (Latin)

117 Herodotus I:  The Persian Wars:  Books 1-2 (Greek)

124 Quintilian, The Orator’s Education:  Books 1-2 (Latin)

128 Polybius I:  The Histories, Volume I (Greek)

135 Claudian I:  Volume I (Latin)

139 David Rohrbacher (ed.), Historia Augusta, Volume I (Latin)

145 Aeschylus I:  Persians, Seven Against Thebes, Suppliants, Prometheus Bound (Greek)

146 Aeschylus II;  Oresteia, Agamemnon, Libation-Bearers, Eumenides (Greek)

151 Ovid VI:  Tristia; Ex Ponto (Latin)

153 Eusebius I:  The Ecclesiastical History I:  Books 1-5 (Greek)

154 Cicero:  On Old Age; On Friendship; On Divination (Latin)

166 Plato III:  Lysis, Symposium, Georgia’s (Greek)

170 Homer III:  Iliad I:  Books 1-12 (Greek)

171 Homer IV:  Iliad II:  Books 13-24 (Greek)

173 Procopius IV:  History of the Wars, Volume IV (Greek)

178 Aristophanes I:  Acharnians, Knights (Greek)

179 Aristophanes III:  Birds, Lysistrata, Women at the Thesmophoria (Greek)

180 Aristophanes IV:  Frogs, Assemblywomen, Wealth (Greek)

181 Lucretius, On the Nature of Things (Latin)

190 Basil I:  Letters, Volume I:  Letters 1-58 (Greek)

203 Josephus I:  The Jewish War, Books I-II (Greek)

207 Statius II:  Thebaid: Books 1-7 (Latin)

214 Seneca, Moral Essays I (Latin)

217 Procopius V:  History of the Wars, Volume V (Greek)

220 Lucan, The Civil War (Latin)

226 Philo, Volume I (Greek)

231 Florus, Epitome of Roman History (Latin)

232 Ovid II:  The Art of Love and Other Poems (Latin)

234 Plato IX:  Timaeus, Critias, Cleitophon, Menexenus, Epistles (Greek)

239 Augustine, Select Letters (Latin)

246 Bede I:  Ecclesiastical History, Volume I:  Books 1-3 (Latin)

248 Bede II:  Ecclesiastical History, Volume II:  Books 4-5; Lives of the Abbots; Letter to Egbert (Latin)

250 Tertullian, Apology,De Spectaculis; Minucius Felix, Octavius (Latin)

253 Ovid V:  Fasti (Latin)

254 Seneca, Moral Essays, Volume II (Latin)

262 Jerome, Select Letters (Latin)

265 Eusebius, The Ecclesiastical History II:  Books 6-10 (Greek)

268 Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods; Academics (Latin)

290 Procopius VI: Secret History (Greek)

294 Fragmentary Republican Latin I:  Ennius, Testimona, Epic Fragments (Latin)

300 Ammianus Marcellinus I:  History, Volume I:  Books 14-19 (Latin)

333 Varro, On the Latin Language I:  Books 5-7 (Latin)

334 Varro, On the Latin Language II:  Books 8-10 and Fragments (Latin)

344 Nonnos I:  Dionysiaca:  Books 1-15 (Greek)

347 Cicero V:  Brutus, Orator (Latin)

387 Prudentius I:  Volume I (Latin)

398 Prudentius II:  Against Symmachus II; Crowns of Martyrdom; Scenes from History; Epilogue (Latin)

402 Caesar III: Alexandrian War, African War, Spanish War (Latin)

411 Augustine, City of God I:  Books 1-3 (Latin)

412 Augustine, City of God II:  Books 4-7 (Latin)

413 Augustine, City of God III:  Books 8-11 (Latin)

414 Augustine, City of God IV:  Books 12-15 (Latin)

415 Augustine, City of God V:  Books 16-18.35 (Latin)

416 Augustine, City of God VI:  Books 18.36-20 (Latin)

417 Augustine, City of God VII:  Books 21-22, Index (Latin)

450 Seneca, Natural Questions I:  Books 1-3 (Latin)

453 Apuleius II:  Metamorphoses Books 7-11 (Latin)

467 Cornelius Nepos, On Great Generals; On Historians (Latin)

488 Aristophanes II:  Clouds, Wasps, Peace (Greek)

495 Euripides VI:  Bacchae, Iphigenia at Audis, Rhesus (Greek)

496 Homeric Hymns, Homeric Apocrypha, Lives of Homer (Greek)

497 Greek Epic Fragments (Greek)

498 Statius III:  Thebaid: Books 8-12, Achilleid (Latin)

534 Apuleius III:  Apologia; Florida; De deo Socratis (Latin)

552 Cato, Orations; Other Fragments (Latin)

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