The OF Blog: A slightly harder passage

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A slightly harder passage

This one ought to be slightly more difficult that the Kahlil Gibran passage that Fábio and others got right, but I do expect some to be familiar with this one, which I first read when I was a history graduate student a dozen years ago. I can think there's one little clue in there that ought to give it all away...

But regardless, if you've read this particular book, what were your impressions of it? Also, if you have a camera available, how about taking a photo of a book you're reading/recently read that might be well-known to some and posting it on your blog and send me a link to it? I found out that I got a couple of people interested in Gibran's The Prophet based on the photographed passage. It'd be cool if we could be introduced to some excellent stories that way, right?


Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly with you, Larry! I´ll do it soon! :-)

Larry Nolen said...

Cool! Say, have you read this book as well?

Anonymous said...

No, unfortunately not. You´ve got me there. :-(

Anonymous said...

ok so what passage is this from?

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