Was going through a few old posts of mine and I thought perhaps some might be interested in posts over the past three years or so where I listed my favorite fictions at the time, 100 books from the 20th century that I would suggest as a starter list for those interested in compiling such things, as well as links to the Best of 2007 and Best of 2008 tags, for those who want to see what books of each of those two years that I chose as being the best I had read for each respective year.
Also, if any whisper enough sweet nothings into my year, I could be persuaded to do an update for one of those lists, or perhaps create some for Spanish-language fictions that may or may not be available in English translation, etc.
Poetic Thinking and Feeling
1 day ago
pues...por favor escribe su recommendaciones de los libros fantatiscos en espanol que no puedo encontrar en ingles.
okay, so that wasn't a sweet nothing but it taxed my memory of the language pretty well as it is... :)
Claro, chica! Los escribiré en dos o tres semanas, si lo puedo.
Just remember, Univision and Telemundo's telenovelas are your friends :P Or so says the guy who now has them playing in the background on his computer after buying a TV tuner a week ago :P
Larry, would you be interested in more Brazilian books?
Yes. Sorry that I overlooked this earlier, Fábio, but I would love to receive more books :D
Hey Larry,
I just notice the link to Beyond Assumptions is gone from the Review Blogs. Why'd you stop linking to my blog?
I mean it's your perogative and everything, but still is there some sort of reason?
I think it got caught up in a mass clearing I did a month ago. I'll add it back later today, if I have time (I'm writing this at work).
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