Although on occasion I add links that I overlook for whatever reason, I'm finding myself wanting to read new perspectives. Some of the blogs I link to in my blogroll for whatever reason just aren't exciting me that much; too much "sameness" for some of them. So I thought I'd ask the readers here (there's more than ten of you, right?) to share certain sites/blogs/forums that I don't have listed in my blogroll that I might enjoy reading on a regular basis.
Doesn't have to be limited to English-language sites. I read Spanish fluently and can get the gist of all the other Romance languages (French, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian), German (and to a lesser extent, the Dutch and Scandanavian languages), and am learning some of the Slavic languages slowly, so...please comment here with the links and make me a happy camper?
Meditation on Mortality
5 hours ago
I don't know if you've read any of his books, but Jonathan Carroll often posts some wonderful things on his site:
A writer's notebook, with some interesting observations, links and quotes.
I'd suggest myself but I get the feeling I did that before :P.
I just discovered a blog called The Overnight Editor. Google it. My friend described it as really weird and random and amazing. So, yeah!
On my old computer, I used to have a quote of Carroll's there (taken from a blog observation of his from 2002-2003), so I'll add that one in a bit. And yours as well, Mark, since that is an oversight.
Same for you, S.M.D., as I have read your blog on occasion, even if I rarely comment elsewhere these days due to work-related exhaustion.
And speaking of exhaustion, time to try to sleep again. Nothing is as annoying as crashing at 5:30 PM, sleeping almost 5 hours, then waking up and not being able to fall back asleep again!
I'll humbly recommend my own blog, LundBlog: Beautiful Letters, as it's not entirely horrible, and deals with literature, politics, and living as an American expatriate in Singapore.
Also, Zoran Zivkovic is now blogging at his shiny new WordPress blog/website.
I'd really recommend Asking The Wrong Questions:
Also the Guardian's arts blog (where that Bidisha article was posted) is always good value.
Here is a link to "the fix", some great columns there, with a common theme of short fiction.
I especially enjoy J. V. Pelt's column:
Thanks, Larry - I guess I'll have to make more sensible posts from now on...!
Larry, I was just invited to co-edit a flash fiction blog called Letra e Vídeo. The gist: the writer must write a piece based in a song (any song will do) and send it to us along with a link for the clip of the song in YouTube.
Right now it features only stories in Portuguese, but it´s open to contributions in other languages as well.
The URL, in case you feel it´s blogroll-worthy:
I little self pimpage. I do as you do and write SF&F reviews, with the smattering of other works, plus interviews and essays.
I hope my reviews don't have a "sameness" problem. If they do, I'd like to know.
Grasping for the Wind
Glad you read my blog, Larry! I'll be ramping up for more interesting posts once this quarter is over. It's almost there. I have my last class tomorrow and then two essays and I'm done! Yay!
And Grasping For the Wind is good by the way :P.
My favourite bloggers are on LJ, and have the best organised tagging system - not sure if that counts for your request?
OK, I'll add all of these after the Lakers-Celtics game tonight. And Jason, I saw the work you did with updating Zoran's website last week and I added him then. He's one of my favorite authors writing today :D
OK, I had more spare time than I thought, so I added all but the Guardian blog, and that'll be added in the next day or two, I promise. Thanks again, everyone, for the links (and I guess for the self-pimpage as well ;))
I'm not normally given to self-promotion, but given that others are doing it, here goes...
I run a genre blog called Speculative Horizons, with the usual book reviews along with the odd article and various genre musings/rants.
I love to see new people dropping by, so anyone that fancies popping over is more than welcome.
Add me to the list of those engaged in self promotion. My site is new but I'm really excited about it:
Hope you'll stop by.
I'm not very good on self-promotion - at least I'm hoping that that's the reason my stats counter looks the way it does but I don't know if you'll find anything interesting on my
I know I find a lot of interesting things on your :D
Thought I had added it already, Gav. I'll correct that shortly, after the NBA game is over (halftime is almost over).
I've decided to go through some of your older post and respond to them even though I have no idea if you'll even read any of this.
Anyway I want to recommend calico_reaction lj. I really like her reviews.
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