The OF Blog: Anti-Book Porn: Books to be traded in this week

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Anti-Book Porn: Books to be traded in this week

I had originally planned on waiting until the weekend before trading these books in, but due to a few changes of plans, either tomorrow or Tuesday I plan on traveling to Nashville after work to trade in these books.

Unlike the pictures of the ARCs I gave to Goodwill, these are mostly books that I have purchased with my own money over the past couple of years.

There is somewhat more variety in the genres and styles of books being traded in, but I suppose some will just focus overmuch on one or two particular subsets.  So be it, I guess.

I should note that most of these books are not bad; some did receive positive reviews from me in the past.  It's just that if I'm really going to clear space and manage to shelve all of my remaining books, I have to make some tough decisions.

It seems this particular cull will be rather heavy on the hardcovers and light on the MMPBs; this will change with future culls, as I do have some cheap editions of classics to haul off in the near future.

Perhaps there will be a lucky person in the next week or so at the Nashville McKay's who'll get some of these books.  It would be nice to know if some of these will find a loving home in the days and weeks to come.

Then again, I do have at least one undeniable turd in this group.  Care to guess which one it might be?

So, if you were a used book shopper, which books of these would you be willing to snatch up for $10 or less?


Joe said...

Aww, Cherie Priest books! Depending on price and condition - those. But, for TBP I would probably not pay more than $5-7 for them.

Is the turd the Pulitzer Prize winning The Known World? ;)

Larry Nolen said...

Ha! Yeah, Priest was enjoyable for me, but it would have been a long while before I returned to them, thus the cull. I probably could pick them up for $3-5 a few years from now, so it's not that painful of a parting I suppose.

As for the "turd," nah... ;)

Chad Hull said...

Was "How to read and Why?" any good?

What determines what you a pitching?

Larry Nolen said...

It was a decent read, but I differed quite a bit from Bloom on several points regarding the act of reading. I'm more of a Historicist in some aspects and that school of thought is anathema to him.

My criteria is simply, "Is this the absolute best group of books I have, books that I can pick up and learn something about myself?" I'll try not to make the cull reach the point where it's mostly just the "classics" that are preserved, but I think it'll end up with my library being reduced from around 2100 back down to 1400-1500 books, with 500 of those being non-English fictions, most of those "classics" in their own regard.

It might just be a sign of a mid-life crisis, but I'm reevaluating just why I keep the books I do. Too many of the books I have aren't going to speak much to me years from now, so it might be best to part ways with them now.

Anonymous said...

The "turd" in question is undoubtedly the Brian Herbert/Kevin J Anderson book.

Jason said...

But... but... How do you get rid of Ursula K. Le Guin? In principle or in practice?

Of course the bad egg is the Nude Une book, but I'm willing to bet "philosophy explained through science fiction films" is college dormroom - level wanky.

Larry Nolen said...

You'd be correct in your guess, Jason. As for the Le Guin, it's actually a book I originally acquired from the same used bookstore, so it's just more like a long-term loan. Or so I tell myself, lest I change my mind and thus prevent myself from making even more difficult choices in the future.

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