The OF Blog: 36

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Yes, the Birthday Squirrel awoke me way too early, at just past 2 AM my time, to remind me that I'm now officially a year older, not a year wiser, and that my sleeping is still all screwed up.  What do I have planned for today?  Nothing, really, since I had to loan my car to my middle brother so he could work while his is being fixed.  No cake, no ice cream, no parties, nothing, which is fine by me, since I really can't eat much cake or ice cream anyways without getting sick at my stomach.

Maybe I'll see a frolicking squirrel or two today, though.  that might be gift enough.


Unknown said...

Happy birthday!
Here are some nice photos for you, including squirel porn.

Bill said...

Feliz cumpleanos, viejito! ;-)

tim said...

Well Larry, Happy Birthday. I have a (horrible) suggestion for your day: One book review for every year you have drooled, crawled, and walked upon the earth! By the end of the day. Go, Right NOW, bwahahaha!

Harry Markov said...

You are one day after me!!! Ah, so good. I like other Cancer people. :)

Unknown said...

Happy birthday, Larry - and Harry too! A brief song, in your honour:

Nelly the Elephant packed her trunk, and said goodbye to the circus. Off she went with a trumpety-trump, trump, trump.

Trump! :D

Simeon said...

Happy Birthday :)

The Evil Hat said...

Happy birthday!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Happy birthday. And you're still a young squirrel.

Fabio Fernandes said...

Happy birthday! Or, Parabéns, meu camarada! :)

Robin M said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day.

Gabriele Campbell said...

Happy Birthday, Larry.

Larry Nolen said...

Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone. It's been a good, quiet day so far. I like to celebrate at least part of it alone, shopping for books, and I got to do so, despite worrying that I wouldn't have my car around until the afternoon.

Now to think of where I want to eat for dinner...or maybe I'll just select carryout. I do want to read at least one of those books tonight.

Eric M. Edwards said...

Great chittering nut-devils!

I thought I'd seen all the horrors that are contained within the abysmal trenches of human existence - as well as those nameless fiends which clutter like blasphemous moths to the cracks between our sleeping world and those of the utter dark, but that is nothing, less than nothing, to what stares back at me from this page: Squirrel god of writhing, sub-boreal terror - smeared with the lurid makeup of a mirth-less, gurning mime troop.

The horror. The horror. And happy birthday to you, dear sir - may you live to enjoy it.

Larry Nolen said...

It'll be tough. That squirrel is now beckoning to me. I must heed its call.

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