But I am thinking that a re-read (and review) of LotR (first time since 1996) might be in order, just to see if my opinions have changed. That's not to say that I haven't read his other work, as the pictures below will attest to the breadth and depth of my reading (if I can be coerced, I might take individual pictures of some of the Spanish-language ones, as they feature some spectacular artwork by John Howe):

What a coincidence! I've been struck by an urge to reread Hobbit / LotR as well. Last week, I ordered a new box set as my old one had been pretty well trashed by my kids. What spurred my interest? Kate Nepveu's LotR blog over at Tor dot com. Interesting discussions going on over there.
Mary C
Yeah, I noticed that discussion a couple of weeks ago, before I began to feel ill. Thankfully, the medication has begun working and perhaps I can get into the flow of things there and elsewhere. The LotR books (in English, that is, as I also have it in Spanish translation) are replacements that I bought in 1996 for the ones I received in 1987. I must have read them a dozen times or more when I was a teenager.
So if time/energy permits, I think I will start a re-read in the next few days and record my thoughts here, since there really haven't been all that many blog reviews of the book, if memory serves.
I'll be hard pressed to keep up.
Mary C
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