Very short list this time, as I've been battling fatigue, had a liver ultrasound, discovered that I have fatty liver disease (and that it's easily reversible, even if a diet will suck ass), and am currently sore from my physical therapy session from a couple of days ago. All that being said, three books finished, a couple more almost done, and a lot more reading ahead for the remaining 10 days of March.
81 Roberto Bolaño, Entre paréntesis - Posthumous 2004 non-fiction collection of Bolaño essays and newspaper commentaries. Excellent for his critiques of contemporary Latin American and Spanish literature and for recommendations of authors to read. Might translate a couple of these during my spring break.
82 Sarah Monette, Corambis - This fourth and final volume in her The Doctrine of Labyrinths series is in many ways her best. Will review this one shortly.
83 Mervyn Peake, Gormenghast - This second volume is easily on par with the first in quality and perhaps exceeds it in places. Review forthcoming in the next few days.
In Progress:
M. John Harrison, Viriconium (omnibus; re-read from 2007)
Irwin Shaw, Evening in Byzantium
Charles Coleman Finlay, Wild Things (collection)
Future Plans:
Mervyn Peake, Titus Alone (original edition, not the expanded)
A.S. Byatt, Possession
Brandon Sanderson, Warbreaker
Mark Charan Newton, Nights of Villjamur
Andrew Fox, The Good Humor Man
Jo Graham, Black Ships (re-read)
Jo Graham, Hand of Isis
Expressing the Inexpressible
3 days ago
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