So there have been rumblings, grumblings, and other assorted things being reported in the past few hours about the title of the rumored first volume of the Jordan/Sanderson (slash!) finale to The Wheel of Time series. Apparently it will be called The Gathering Storm and there is now speculation on whether it'll be two volumes or three and if it'll be even be published first in hardcover.
While these rumors may provide grist for the discussion mills at the blogs and forums linked to above, I find it amusing that at the end of the night (or very early morning, since it's just after midnight here as I write this short piece) that very little is still known and that people still have to await for the official announcement in the next few days for anything to be confirmed. Doubtless there's been a few to fire off emails to Sanderson or to various people employed by Tor (I sent one, but it was more to acknowledge receiving Sanderson's upcoming Warbreaker, although I did inquire if there would be advance review copies this time around, since I figured anything else would be dependent on quite a few factors that would be out of most people's hands at any publisher).
In the meantime, while others can continue to update with speculation, rumor, and eventually solid news on this, I'll start by trying to sleep for 5 hours, then I'll get ready to work and be gone from the house for about 10 hours before I check my emails, use my exercise bike for 30-60 minutes, and then eat, perhaps naps, and then finish reading Neil Gaiman's The Sandman: Worlds' End and maybe slog my way through Daniel Goldhagen's A Moral Reckoning, about which I'll have plenty to say next week. After all, rumors may spark thought and later action, but I prefer doing what I can rather than speculating on what I cannot control. Might not be such a bad policy for others to consider doing in the future.
Expressing the Inexpressible
3 days ago
But speculating's half the fun, Larry!
I think the main difference between what you do here and the blogs you listed (mine included) is that you're more of an introspective writer who enjoys being able to sit back and contemplate fact and rhetoric, rather than keep up with the news as it arrives. The Internet's a damn fast paced place, and some of us just like to keep up with the times!
Also, I'm sorry that we have more free time than you. ;)
A Dribble of Ink
P.S. Sanderson's chimed in with some 'facts', if you're interested.
Amazing how much of a shit storm this caused in such a small amount of time.
Also Larry, I don't recall seeing your personal thoughts about and reactions to the actual books of The Wheel of Time.
Ask and ye shall receive, a different form than might be expected ;)
Perhaps, but I think it's also the historian in me hates to judge on incomplete information, since I've been burned a few times for doing so in the past :P
I think we all have. There's a hell of a thin line between jumping on rumours and reporting on real news. It's not an easy balancing act and this whole kafuffle around Jordan is a good example.
That's why I like to wait until an author and/or the publisher confirms it in some form or fashion.
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