Five books this time, three of them review copies and two that I purchased, including one for the upcoming December 2-6 Blogger Book Club discussion.
Left: Bruce Sterling, Schismatrix Plus (Sterling is one of those authors I've "heard of," but never got around to reading him until now, when I'll be reading this book sometime in November in preparation for the next Blogger Book Club discussion); Elizabeth Bear, All the Windwracked Stars (Bear is very prolific, but the few stories/novels of hers that I've read have all been entertaining, so I have hopes to read this one in the near future).

Left: R.A. and Geno Salvatore, The Stowaway (Salvatore and his son collaborate on their first true YA series. Don't know if I'll read it or have it available in a contest); John Scalzi, Agent to the Stars (originally a "trunk" novel posted on his site for years before it was first published in 2004, this is the first mass-release of this story); Jeff VanderMeer, Predator: South China Sea (I've never really watched much of the Predator movie series, but VanderMeer is one of my favorite writers and I am curious to see how he does within a shared universe mileau, so I ordered a copy and it arrived this morning. Expect a review before the end of the month).
I missed this, is Schismatrix Plus the next book club book?
Yes. Fábio is hosting it on his blog, Post-Weird, beginning on December 2.
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