Almost 80 books over 32 days. One of the things that happens when one is a bit ill at times and doesn't have much energy a few days to go out and about. Hopefully, I can make it through this list without nodding off. Not likely to be much, if any, comment for most of these books, due to the length here.
428 Wim Jansen, Beginner's Basque
429 Jeff Lemire, Essex County (graphic novel - highly recommend)
430 Stephen King, The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born (graphic novel - good)
431 Raymond Chandler, The Long Goodbye (classic)
432 William Wray, Sparrow: Volume 9 (artbook)
433 Don DeLillo, Underworld (most excellent)
434 Lautréamont, Maldoror and Poems (short review already posted; very good)
435 Philip K. Dick, Five Novels of the 1960s & 1970s (well worth the money spent on the Library of America edition)
436 Lisa Goldstein, The Red Magician (pretty decent YA/semi-fantasy account involving the Holocaust)
437 Jonathan Rosenberg, Goats: The Corndog Imperative (this collection of webcomics was often brilliant in theme and execution)
438 William Faulkner, Novels 1926-1929 (Library of America edition; collects his earliest novels. Good stuff.)
439 Neil Gaiman, Death: The High Cost of Living (good-to-very good graphic novel involving Dream's older sister)
440 Bradford Morrow (ed.), Conjunctions: 53: Not Even Past: Hybrid Histories (second best Conjunctions issue this year, but each is well worth the read for the wide range of stories of all modes and styles)
441 Frank Miller and Lynn Varley, 300 (SPARTA!!!---? Nice graphic novel. Still haven't bothered to watch the movie)
442 Neil Gaiman, Death: The Time of Your Life (liked this one better than the first Death story mentioned above)
443 Kazu Kibuishi (ed.), Flight: Volume 1 (very good graphic story anthology)
444 Shirley Jackson, The Witchcraft of Salem Village (non-fiction; good summarizing of what happened there)
445 George R.R. Martin, The Hedge Knight (graphic novel; good-to-very good)
446 Honore de Balzac, Stories from Balzac (short fiction published in the original French. Love his style)
447 Michal Ajvaz, The Other City (one of the better translated fictions published in 2009)
448 Erich Maria Remarque, The Road Back (the direct sequel to All Quiet on the Western Front, this book is just as powerful in showing the aftermath of World War I in Germany)
449 Gabriel García Márquez, Olhos de Cão Azul (Portuguese translation of his earliest collection)
450 Dorva Rezende (ed.), Ficções: Ficção Científica (Brazilian magazine journal that had a SF issue. Enjoyed most of the stories there)
451 Glenn Barr, Sparrow: Volume 8 (artbook)
452 Michael Moorcock, Elric: In the Dream Realms (fifth volume in the Del Rey reissue series of Elric anthologies. This one covers more recent Elric stories. Most are good.)
453 Joe Kelly and J.M. Ken Nimura, I Kill Giants (one of the best graphic novels I've read in terms of story this year)
454 Alberto Fuguet, Por favor, rebobinar (Spanish; one of Fuguet's better novels. Recommended.)
455 Darwin Cooke, Richard Stark's Parker: The Hunter (excellent graphic novel adaptation of a noir classic)
456 Delia Sherman and Christopher Barzak (eds.), Interfictions 2 (original anthology of stories that don't quite fit in a particular genre. Some good stories, several decent, and a couple that didn't interest me)
457 Shirley Jackson, Come Along With Me (unfinished novel and some shorts, including "The Lottery." Recommended for the last in particular)
458 Naguib Mahfouz, Midaq Alley/The Thief and the Dogs/Miramar (omnibus; highly recommended)
459 Fábio Fernandes, A Revanche de Ampulheta (re-read; enjoyed Fábio's time-traveling-with-literary figures stories more the second time around. Think it'd be nice if it were to be translated into English sometime to see what others would make of it, not that I'm putting pressure on him, ya know...)
460 Jim Mahfood, Sparrow: Volume 10 (artbook)
461 Alberto Fuguet, Road Story (Spanish-language graphic novel that appropriates some of the best of road trip fiction. Very good story)
462 Pierre Bordage, Les Guerriers du Silence (French; first in what appears to be a very cerebral SF trilogy. What I understood entranced me. Dude can write.)
463 José Saramago, Memorial do Convento (re-read; Portuguese; one of Saramago's earlier novels. Very good.)
464 Jorge Volpi, La paz de los sepulcros (Spanish; reprint of one of his earlier fictions; interesting to see how his narrative skills have evolved since then)
465 Vladimir Nabokov, The Original of Laura (I had hoped to review it, but too many things came up. Very interesting look into how Nabokov constructed his novels. Sadly, this germ of a potentially great novel was never completed)
466 Mario Vargas llosa, La ciudad y los perros (Spanish; classic)
467 Ann and Jeff VanderMeer (eds.), Last Drink Bird Head (original anthology of flash fiction revolving around the question contained in the title. Enjoyed most of the entries.)
468 Colum McCann, Let the Great World Spin (just won the 2009 National Book Award, this story that interweaves the 1974 tightrope walking across the unfinished World Trade Center towers with fictional lives is well-deserving of that august award. Will comment more on it in the year-end wrapups)
469 José Eustasio Rivera, La vorágine (re-read; Spanish; one of my favorite pre-Boom novels from Latin America)
470 Naguib Mahfouz, Palace Walk (part one to his acclaimed Cairo Trilogy; excellent look into Egyptian life in the first half of the 20th century)
471 Paul Auster, Invisible (this recently-released novel is one of Auster's best. Will say more at the end of the year)
472 Cicero, First and Second Speeches Against Cataline (Latin; great oratory, as might be expected)
473 Gareth Hinds, The Merchant of Venice (good graphic novel adaptation - with modernizations - of Shakespeare's classic play)
474 Guy de Maupassant, Arrepentimiento y otros relatos (Spanish translation of a few of Maupassant's short fictions)
475 Charles Baudelaire, Les fleurs du Mal (loved them in English, but even more so in French!)
476 Ashley Wood, Sparrow: Volume 7 (artbook)
477 Albert Camus, L'étranger (even better in French!)
478 Mario Vargas Llosa, Los jefes/Los cachorros (Spanish; Varga Llosa's first stories; promising but not as good as his more mature works)
479 Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Diving into the Wreck (might review this one in more detail later; solid story with very good execution)
480 Rosario Ferré, Las puertas del placer (series of essays by this Puerto Rican author, most of them quite good)
481 Jean-Paul Sartre, Les main sales (French; play; good)
482 Rómulo Gallegos, Doña Bárbara (Spanish; classic; kicking myself for not reading it until now)
483 Michael Moorcock, Michael Moorcock's The Eternal Champion: Volume I (stories involving other Eternal Champions than Elric; good)
484 Kate Chopin, Complete Novels and Stories (this Library of America edition is fabulous; her short stories of life in late 19th century Louisiana are underrated, if anything. Highly recommended)
485 Victor Hugo, Notre-Dame de Paris (French; classic)
486 Victor Hugo, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (read the English translation just to make sure I grasped the French; I did)
487 Catherynne M. Valente, The Orphan's Tale: In the Night Garden (re-read; excellent)
488 Catherynne M. Valente, The Orphan's Tale: Cities of Coin and Spice (re-read; excellent)
489 Erich Maria Remarque, Heaven Has No Favorites (this novel deserves a new generation of readers. Reminded me favorably of Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises.)
490 Mary Doria Russell, A Thread of Grace (very good fictionalized account of Italians helping to protect Jews from the Germans during the last two years of World War II)
491 Emile Habiby, The Secret Life of Saeed (at times like Svejk's story, this is a darkly comic novel that I enjoyed)
492 Cherie Priest, Boneshaker (one of the better 2009 releases; more later, perhaps)
493 Ann and Jeff VanderMeer (eds.), The New Weird (re-read; excellent)
494 Ann and Jeff VanderMeer (eds.), New Weird (Romanian translation)
495 Zoran Živković, The Fourth Circle (re-read; excellent)
496 Zoran Živković, Ćetvrti Krug (Serbian original)
497 Catherynne M. Valente, Yume No Hon: The Book of Dreams (re-read; very good)
498 Cat Rambo and Jeff VanderMeer, The Surgeon's Tale and Other Stories (re-read; very good)
499 Ray Bradbury, Something Wicked This Way Comes (re-read; excellent; will comment more later)
500 Robert Holdstock, Lavondyss (very good)
501 Lord Dunsany, Time and the Gods (omnibus collection; very good; more later)
502 Cathy and Arnie Fenner (eds.), Spectrum 16: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (very good year-in-review for 2008)
503 Umberto Eco, The Infinity of Lists (The Vertigo of Lists) (excellent! Must read!)
504 Jack Williamson, Darker Than You Think (1940s shapeshifter novel that was much better than I expected)
505 Mario Vargas Llosa, El viaje a la ficción: El mundo de Juan Carlos Onetti (Spanish; non-fiction critical study of Onetti's works. Very good.)
506 John M. Ford, The Dragon Waiting (very good; more later)
And now for books in progress and future plans:
In Progress:
Pat McGreal, David Rawson, Chaz Truog, and Rafael Kayanan, Chiaroscuro: The Private Lives of Leonardo da Vinci (graphic novel)
Javier Cercas, Soldados de Salamina (re-read)
Philip K. Dick, VALIS and Later Novels
Future Plans:
Neil Gaiman, The Books of Magic
Paul McAuley, The Quiet War
Jasper Fforde, Shades of Grey
George R.R. Martin, Fevre Dream; The Armageddon Rag
Meditation on Mortality
4 hours ago
You are a machine Larry:) I read maybe 4-5 books per month if I'm lucky.
I often hear people say that there is maybe enough story in Something Wicked This Way Comes to be a short story but as a novel it is full of unnecessary fluffy words. I can see why someone would think so even though I strongly disagree. The atmosphere of that particular book is quite something. Anyway I'll be interested in hearing yout further comments.
Very generous comment on my novella, Larry, thank you! I´m glad that you liked it.
That might be later today, if I feel better. Am off from work today for a reason, unfortunately.
You're welcome. That and the story you had in the Steampunk antho were quite good. The others were a bit too short for me to comment much upon one way or the other. Will be discussing that antho in a few weeks, by the way.
I am on the third chapter of Michal Ajvaz's The Other City now and this has to be one of the oddest books I have read this year. The priest's sermon in this chapter is the most rambling and random passages I have ever read and it is rather wonderful.
I found myself (again) wanting to visit Prague after reading that book, James. Perhaps in a year or two, I'll be able to save enough money to vacation in Prague, Vienna, and maybe Budapest for a month. One can dream, no?
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