The OF Blog: I'm going to be changing my blogroll this weekend or next

Thursday, January 16, 2014

I'm going to be changing my blogroll this weekend or next

The current list seems rather stale to me.  I want to read new perspectives, whether it be on translated fiction, literary fiction, mysteries/crime, SF/F, or historical fiction/non-fiction.  This is the place for people to promote any refreshing voices.  I won't promise that I'll add every blog suggested, but I will at least visit the sites linked to.  So please, feel free to suggest any sites that you think I might appreciate that are not currently linked to in my blogroll.


Ray Garraty said...

Well, you can always add mine. ))

Others I like:

Larry Nolen said...

I just might! But I already have Martin's blog in my blogroll and do read it fairly regularly, even though I rarely leave comments.

Anonymous said...

Hi Larry,

2 blogs I quite like and which may be of interest to you and your taste in literature are:


By the way I love your blog !!! Keep up the good work and all the great reviews.



James said...

So you'll finally be removing the blog I closed over a year ago?

I'd suggest my current one, but that's pretty much over for the foreseeable future.

James said...

That said, the only one I have to offer (that isn't already on your list) is Doing in the Wizard.

Though you already have it on your list, I'd like to second the Everything Is Nice recommendation just in case there are people reading these comments who haven't heard of it.

I'll be keeping a close eye on these comments, as I've almost completely culled the list of blogs I follow and wouldn't mind picking up more.

Barroca said...

Well, I recomend you my own book blog, which is in portuguese but has a translate google bar on the upper right corner. ;)

Salamander said...

I second Doing in the Wizard.

The author of Muad'Libs ( doesn't post that often, but she's written some interesting pieces.

Larry Nolen said...

Thanks for the suggestions, again. Barroca, I can read Portuguese fairly well, so I won't need the bar. Will likely add it to the section I have currently for non-English sites/blogs.

Probably will do the paring/adding sometime on Sunday or Monday.

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