The OF Blog: When you think you're becoming exasperated with online matters...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

When you think you're becoming exasperated with online matters...

...sometimes, all it takes is a moment of zen to recall why you do what you do in the first place. In honor of that, I present to you the Zen Squirrel:


Mike said...

Thank you for the reminder Larry. We do what we do because without books, that Zen squirrel would be up in a tree right now, not bumming from a stump.

Larry Nolen said...

Exactly. That and I love/fear them, but that's due to a four year-old in-joke between me and this one woman I know...long story.

But yes, squirrels showing us the way to zen is but part of the circle of life...trees to pulp, squirrel to squirrel coat, ashes to ashes, dust to dust...

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