The OF Blog: Sarah Palin book porn?

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Sarah Palin book porn?

Earlier today on Twitter, several people were talking about spikes in views/hits on their blogs and what triggered them.  I noted that several of the spikes (and long-term draws) to this book were google searches for various national porns (such as the infamous Mexican and Turkish Book Porn post from 2008).  Then it struck me.

I could see if I would get a spike over the next two days by simply entitling a post "Sarah Palin book porn".  Doubtless, there would be several searches for "Sarah Palin porn" and some would lead here (hi, those of you visiting this blog looking for Sarah Palin porn).

I wonder how large of an increase (if any) it'll be.  Care to guess (baseline is roughly 950-1000 page views/day according to Blogger)?


Walter Rhein said...

You better post the results. I want to see if you get your 1000 hits!

I came here from my blog list and not a search by the way.

Larry Nolen said...

Oh, I'll do that sometime this weekend. So far, no significant difference in activity.

The Evil Hat said...

What's this? My fiction and pornography stops combined into one? How convenient!

Oh, wait.

Damn you, Larry!

Larry Nolen said...

I serve the diverse needs of my readers, all without whoring myself out :P

D said...

The title of this post attracted me to your blog.
I'm somewhat disappointed. Where is that squirrel porn? o.0

Larry Nolen said...

The squirrel porn is being mailed to you as we speak ;)

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